Turkish Women's International Network

place New York, New York, USA
language http://turkishwin.com


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To build a model for diaspora networking for women. We start with Turkish women living outside of Turkey.

What We Do

The Turkish Women's International Network (TurkishWIN) is a global networking platform of professional Turkish women outside of Turkey. Our members aspire to excel in their careers, inspire others and unleash the power of the Turkish women's network.

Our vision is to create the TurkishWIN as the global trust network for its members to inspire, interact and invest in the community.

To implement this vision, we would like to achieve the following milestones:

1. Build the global community of professional Turkish women to enable inspiration and ideas to cross-pollinate.

2. Start a mentorship program to mentor younger Turkish women in university programs across the globe.

3. Launch the “TurkishWIN Angels and Advisors” program to connect entrepreneurs to a capital and advice network.


melek p.
Volunteer manager
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