People's Theatre Project

place New York, New York, USA


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Rooted in Washington Heights and Inwood, People's Theatre Project (PTP) makes theatre with and for immigrant communities to build a more just and equitable world.

What We Do

People’s Theatre Project, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit community-based organization was founded in October 2008 to serve the people of Northern Manhattan with a particular focus on the Washington Heights and Inwood neighborhoods. To make its work available to everyone, regardless of economic status, all public programs are offered on a Pay-What-You-Can basis.

By successfully establishing a theatrical platform for the residents of Washington Heights/Inwood to identify, explore and address the issues that affect our world, we aim to transform the culture of the community from one of disconnection to one of peace, strength and unity. People’s Theatre Project engages the children, youth, adults, senior citizens and artists that coexist in the diverse neighborhood in an ongoing dialogue.

We envision Northern Manhattan as a diverse community that actively fosters a culture of peace where individuals have a voice, feel empowered to take a stand on issues that affect them and where disparate community sectors advocate for one another. Existing cultural, generational and economic gaps in our community are bridged by the telling of stories and theatre serves as a safe and inspiring alternative to violence for local youth. Neighbors of all ages, ethnicities and economic means join together in powerful performances that reflect their collective histories and needs, and the entire community is empowered to speak, act and be heard.


Bob B
Bob B.
Co-Executive & Managing Director
Abe J.
Volunteer manager
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