
place New York, New York, USA


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iMentor cultivates relationships between young people and volunteer adult mentors through an innovative combination of e-mail correspondence and in-person meetings. To-date, iMentor has matched over 10,000 mentor-mentee pairs, partnering with 30 NYC schools and after school programs in four of New York City's five boroughs and programs all over the country through iMentor Interactive.

What We Do

iMentor has 2 flagship programs.

iMentor NYC
iMentor NYC is a school-based mentoring program connecting high school students in New York City in one-to-one relationships with caring adult mentors. Relationships last between one and four years. iMentor recruits adult volunteers and matches them one-on-one with young people based on their shared professional and personal interests.

Over the course of the past 10 years iMentor has harnessed the power of our mentors to drive student achievement, some of our results include:

92% of mentees graduate from High School

82% of mentees enroll in College

93% of mentors would recommend volunteering with iMentor to a friend or co-worker

iMentor Interactive
iMentor Interactive’s mission is to facilitate the development of high-quality, high-impact mentoring programs. This program addresses the most critical challenges facing underserved youth through an innovative combination of partnership, technology, curriculum, research and ongoing support. Every member of the iMentor Interactive staff is a mentoring expert--collecting best practices and innovations from existing research, iMentorNYC & other iMi members--iMi staff provides each member with all of the knowledge, tools and ongoing support necessary for effective program execution.


Erica H.
Chief Program Officer
Julia L.
Director of Corporate Partnerships
Nadia K.
Volunteer manager
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