Champion Access

place New York, New York, USA


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Champion Access exists because we live in an inequitable society where geography and race predetermine the probability for an individual's career success. And that's not right. We believe that Champion Access can serve as a mechanism that can reverse this societal paradigm that has predetermined our champions' opportunity for success.

What We Do

Champion Access is a not-for-profit organization that addresses the problem of underutilized human capital and limited access to opportunity in our society. Champion Access does this by identifying talented, yet underemployed, adults and putting them through our rigorous personal development and managerial preparation program. Our focus is on talented underemployed adults older than 21 whose potential is not being utilized. After completing Champion Access, graduates will enter into higher level positions with an increased income and opportunity for advancement.

The hurdles that exist for an individual born into a low-income community often lead to weak, long-term personal development. Early in life, many are forced to drop out of school to get a job to support themselves. This progresses the diminishment of their prospects and aspirations, and many end up with low-paying jobs that offer limited potential for growth. From this point on, most individuals are never afforded the time or financial resources to pursue self-development. This is when they begin to accept, willingly or not, a life of dependence on government programs devoid of prospects for a better life.

Any underemployed individual working in a low-wage job is eligible to apply. Employers can also apply on an employee's behalf. The selection process will be rigorous, evaluating baseline requirements in: math, problem solving, communication, and writing. Champion Access will build on these foundations to enhance self-esteem, soft business skills, and the technical skills necessary to transition students into their new careers in management. We address this personal and professional development pedagogically through lectures, group projects, client deliverables, interactive skills simulations, field activities, internships, and speaking events.


Andy D
Andy D.
Founder and Executive Director
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