Remote or Hybrid Work Team Strategy

Help African American Art and Culture Complex create strategies and best practices for their virtual team in terms of communication, collaboration and culture.
African American Art and Culture Complex
San Francisco, CA, USA
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African American Art and Culture Complex
San Francisco, CA, USA


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Posted May 7th

Remote or Hybrid Work Team Strategy

Project details

What we need
  • A 1-2 page written document that summarizes the Organization’s needs and goals for effective remote/hybrid work
  • Best practices and tips for the Organization’s remote staff members, including recommendations on the best virtual collaboration tools, such as Slack, Google apps, Zoom, etc.
  • Recommendations for managing projects with remote/hybrid staff, including how to set up a digital workspace for easy collaboration, and how to establish communication styles and structures that support effective teamwork
Additional details

Looking for training on Asana and Slack since my company will be shifting to these platforms soon. Looking for training on facilitating virtual space as a program host, particularly on Zoom or social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram. Looking for training on facilitation and participation in virtual meetings via Google Hangouts and Zoom.

What we have in place
  • We currently have Google Hangouts and Zoom, which should make it easy for you to get started. We also have A virtual pivot program, and the ability to provide any other information you need.
How this will help
This project will save us $5,776 , allowing us to Create and execute programs in an efficient manner to assist the health of our community and work efficiently as a team remotely.

As an art center we are looking to develop a full functioning virtual work and art space for admin and for the community at large. This project will allow me as an individual to provide insight to my team on how we can adequately organize, specifically in my case, health and wellness programs and services remotely and timely.

Project plan

Prep: Information Sharing
  • Volunteer Manager provides Professional with a summary of the Organization’s current or planned remote/hybrid staff structure, including any known or anticipated challenges
  • Volunteer Manager outlines Organization’s goals for remote/hybrid staff and teamwork, including any budget allowances for software, and in-person meetings or staff retreats
Milestone 1: Assessment
  • Professional reviews the information provided and drafts an initial assessment of what is working and what can be improved with the Organization’s current remote/hybrid team structure, processes, and tools
  • Volunteer Manager reviews the assessment and provides feedback to Professional
Milestone 2: Draft Recommendations
  • Professional makes recommendations for specific processes and tools that support the Organization’s remote/hybrid staff, and address specific challenges with remote/hybrid communication or collaboration
  • Volunteer Manager reviews and provides feedback to Professional, including identifying any specific tools that the Organization would like more information on
Milestone 3: Final Recommendations & Next Steps
  • Professional incorporates Volunteer Manager’s feedback into the final recommendations document, including any additional information about specific tools (features, pricing, etc.) that the Volunteer Manager has requested
  • Professional delivers the final recommendations document, and provides advice on how the Organization can take the next steps to implement them
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About the org

African American Art and Culture Complex
Posted by
Aminah J.

Programs and Services Coordinator

Our mission

Our mission, as a community based non-profit 501c3 arts and cultural organization, is to nurture and facilitate the empowerment of our community through Afro-centric artistic and cultural expression, mediums, education, and programming.

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