Website Call

Help The Sun Valley Youth Center, Inc. by speaking with a member of their Organization on the phone for 1 hour about their website needs.
The Sun Valley Youth Center, Inc.
Denver, CO, USA
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The Sun Valley Youth Center, Inc.
Denver, CO, USA


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Posted June 13th

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What we'd like to talk about

I have questions about the process to update our website. I know it needs updating but need to convince the Executive Director on the how, what, why, when...

"Phone calls" are 1 hour, one-time calls with an organization. Learn the difference between volunteering on a Phone call and a Project here.

About the org

The Sun Valley Youth Center, Inc.
Our mission

The Sun Valley Youth Center is a non-profit after school and summer program for kids ages five to sixteen in Denver's Sun Valley neighborhood. We use a trauma informed, attachment based model of caregiving to set our youth and families up for success.

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