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Stephen S.

Cloverdale, CA, USA
Total impact
Ready to volunteer


I draw on over 30 years of multidisciplinary experience & training in economics, public policy, litigation, risk management, business development, entrepreneurship, and business transformation as a recognized authority & thought leader on complex financial models, analysis of novel unstructured problems, advanced forecasting techniques, and ESG advisory.

Stewardship - the careful and responsible management of something entrusted to one's care - should be a fundamental element in our professional & personal lives. In the spirit of the quote in my LinkedIn banner, I strive to be a good steward of:

* my clients - as a consultant and expert witness
* my colleagues - as an executive, founder, entrepreneur, and collaborator
* business owners and stakeholders - as a board member, trusted advisor, and investor
* nonprofits and community groups - as a volunteer, donor, neighbor, and citizen
* the environment - as a farmer, landowner, and human being

My current priorities include being active as an advisor, board member, investor, volunteer, and thought leader on subjects that interest me, including:

Mentoring & Leadership Transitions - over the past few years I have planned for & implemented leadership transitions & succession planning for consulting & management teams; the process & results have been incredibly rewarding. Active with StartOut and Bolster Prime.

Board ESG Oversight and Risk Management - focused on assisting for-profit, social enterprises, and nonprofits with risk management of environmental & mass tort contingent liabilities; governance & board structure via board assessments & board skills matrix reviews; and board formation & best practices. Active with my consulting work, Catchafire, and PDA San Francisco.

Sustainability - particularly interested in sustainable approaches to agriculture, farming, food & beverage, and hospitality. Currently involved with Slow Food and Slow Money.

Agriculture, Food, Nutrition & Wellness - As an avid cook and baker, aspiring pizzaiolo, and enthusiastic foodie (but with the mindset of an economist) I pursued backward integration and (half-jokingly) call myself a "Gentleman Farmer" with an orchard (olive & fruit trees) and vegetable garden. Most interested in the intersection of the foodie world with nutrition, wellness, and sustainability. Active as a volunteer UCCE Master Food Preserver, promoting food safety & security.

If anything described above resonates with you and you think we might usefully collaborate on something meaningful, useful, and interesting, please reach out.


  • Business development
  • Coaching
  • Data analysis
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Executive leadership
  • Finance
  • Management
  • Organizational design
  • Project management
  • Research
  • Strategy consulting


  • Arts & culture
  • Civil rights
  • Community & economic development
  • Diversity & inclusion
  • Environment
  • Health & nutrition
  • LGBTQ+
  • Science & technology
  • Youth development
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