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Yes Inc. is an international non-profit dedicated to fighting poverty through large-scale job creation and entrepreneurship for youth. YES Inc supports 55 country networks across the globe to create unique programs that build an entrepreneurial culture that moves them toward productive work. Collectively, the YES Network strives to build the individual capacity of youth, inspiring them to dream and empowering them to be entrepreneurial.

What We Do

1. Youth Employment Summits

Over the past ten years, YES (Youth Employment Summit) Summits have become an important vehicle to promote the YES Campaign and build the global YES network. Since the very first Summit in 2002, YES has hosted Summits around the world including: YES Hyperbad Regional Forum (2003), YES Mexico 2004, YES Kenya 2006, YES Alexandria Forum 2007, YES Azerbaijan 2008, YES Sweden 2010. The 2011 YES Summit: Startup America, hosted by the Kaufman Foundation in Kansas City, is on November 13 – 15. The final YES Summit, to be held in Alexandria Egypt in 2012, will officially mark the completion of the campaign.

2. Programs

YES Today – Empowering Young Entrepreneurs

Since launching the YES Campaign in 2002, Yes Inc. has hosted five global summits, five regional meetings, built and supported fifty-five YES Networks, prepared 150 original publications, and initiated over 400 programs. Through these accomplishments, the YES Campaign has reached its ultimate goal to successfully place youth employment on the global agenda.

Today, YES is focused on capacity building and action-oriented programs that promote youth entrepreneurship. Working directly with country networks, current YES Inc’s 2011 initiatives include:

Enterprise Studio: YES is generating the Enterprise Studio ™ as refuge for young people to paint the canvas of their dream. Through a vision, declaration and planning process designed to awaken youth, the Enterprise Studio ™ inspires young people to find and share their passions, build upon their ‘Big Idea’, and locate tools and sign up with mentors to create a life of promise.

Enterprise Generators: YES is launching Youth Enterprise Generators at university campuses in YES Network countries around the world such as Angola, Egypt and Columbia. These Generators will repurpose universities and provide space for convening stakeholders, providing entrepreneurship education and project planning skills to in and out-of-school youth.


Poonam A
Poonam A.
Founder and President
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